May 2005 – The CenterWatch Monthly : PDF
Product Details
US Sites Rate Eli Lilly, Wyeth and Genentech as Top Sponsors in 2005
Results of the 2005 Thomson CenterWatch U.S. Report Card Survey are in. Sites have rated Eli Lilly one of the top sponsors to work with for the third time in eight years. Wyeth has shown dramatic improvement after occupying the lower ranks for several years. Amgen and Genentech’s rankings illustrate the growing influence of the biotech firms as they continue to increase their clinical development efforts.
UNC, Quintiles Move Beyond Central Trial Office
A newly forged agreement between the University of North Carolina (UNC), an academic health center, and Quintiles, a contract research organization, will create an on-campus clinical trial unit targeting new faculty who are interested in pursuing industry-funded studies but lack the infrastructure to get started. Quintiles is putting up $600,000 over two years to help UNC hire needed administrative and clinical staff. The partnership is expected to bring UNC additional opportunities to participate in industry-sponsored trials and at the same time to bring Quintiles opportunities to participate in NIH grant proposals.
The Vienna School of Clinical Research: Filling the Training Gap
The Vienna School of Clinical Research continues the city of Vienna’s long tradition of playing a major role in medical science by promoting the training of clinical researchers.