
Last updated: August 25, 2023
Sponsor: Hologic, Inc.
Overall Status: Active - Recruiting




Breast Cancer



Clinical Study ID

  • Ages 35-100
  • All Genders

Study Summary

To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the proposed investigational device and assess its clinical utility in breast cancer screening and diagnosis to support continuing technology development of the investigational technology.

Eligibility Criteria


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Subject is female of any race and ethnicity
  • Subject is at least 35 years old
  • Subject is indicated for a screening mammogram or breast biopsy


Exclusion Criteria:

  • Subject is pregnant or thinks she may be pregnant
  • Subject is wheelchair bound and cannot stand independently
  • Subject has breast implants, cardiac pacemakers or IV ports in the mammography field of view
  • Subject previously participated in the study

Study Design

Study Start date:
Estimated Completion Date:

Study Description

To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the proposed investigational device and assess its clinical utility in breast cancer screening and diagnosis to support continuing technology development of the investigational technology.

Connect with a study center

  • Baptist Healthcare System

    Lexington, Kentucky 40503
    United States

    Active - Recruiting

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