Servier Canada opens Clinical Development Center in Montreal
Servier Canada, the Canadian subsidiary of Servier, has opened its new Clinical Development Center in Montreal.
The mission for this new center is participation in the design and development of Servier's international clinical research. It will coordinate basic research projects as well as the implementation of phases I to III studies, working closely with Canadian investigators such as the Montreal Heart Institute, National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS), University of Montreal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM) and McGill University Health Center (MUHC). The main therapeutic areas are cardiovascular diseases, oncology and neuropsychiatry.
“This $17 million investment illustrates the importance of research to our growth model. We have invested a total of $100 million over the past five years in Canada,” said Frédéric Fasano, Servier Canada CEO.
Another clear sign of this commitment to medical research in Quebec is the creation of the Dr. Madeleine Tremblay Servier and Groupe Servier fund for the development of medicinal products ($750,000) at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Université de Montréal. This fund is dedicated to the education of future talent in the pharmaceutical industry.
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