The CenterWatch Monthly, October 2015
New strategies needed for integrated alliances
Strategic outsourcing relationships hold the promise of faster and more efficient R&D activity. But new research from the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD) finds the goal remains elusive because sponsor companies aren’t fully invested in their alliances and continue to use a variety of competing outsourcing relationship models without a clear or systematic pattern.
European patient engagement in critical condition
Western Europe boasts one of the largest and most active markets for clinical trials. Indeed, more than one in five active clinical investigators is based in Western Europe, and the growth in sponsor spending there now outpaces that in the U.S. Despite research professional optimism and a vibrant clinical trials market in Western Europe, however, the European public considers clinical research to be riskier than does the public in many other global regions, and the European community shows the lowest self-assessed general knowledge about the clinical research process and the lowest level of willingness to participate in clinical trials.
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